Fried Sausage

Delicious fried sausage types to enjoy a pure barbecue taste. Either in the pan or on the grill -  always a lusty taste.

Chicken sausage - cream cheese and spinach – Full flavor with only 5% fat with cream cheese and leaf spinach in a fine chicken sausage meat - stuffed in a pork casing. A fancy sausage for a tasty and unrepentant treat.

Chicken sausage - cream cheese and spinach


Full flavor with only 5% fat with cream cheese and leaf spinach in a fine chicken sausage meat - stuffed in a pork casing.
A fancy sausage for a tasty and unrepentant treat.


Hähnchenfleisch 70%, Trinkwasser, Frischkäse 11%, Spinat 1,5%, jodiertes Speisesalz (Speisesalz, Kaliumjodat), Stabilisator: Diphosphate, Dextrose, Gewürze, Gewürzextrakte, Schweinedarm.

Kann Spuren von Gluten, Sellerie, Sesamsamen, Soja und Senf enthalten.