Fried Sausage

Delicious fried sausage types to enjoy a pure barbecue taste. Either in the pan or on the grill -  always a lusty taste.

Jalapeno-Cheese Bratwurst – Juicy sausage speciality, seasoned with fiery jalapeño and spicy cheese. - For a megatrendy grilling pleasure.

Jalapeno-Cheese Bratwurst

Juicy sausage speciality, seasoned with fiery jalapeño and spicy cheese. - For a megatrendy grilling pleasure.


Schweinefleisch 92%, Wasser, jodiertes Nitritpökelsalz (Speisesalz, Kaliumjodat, Konservierungsstoff: Natriumnitrit), Gewürze (enthalten Senf), Tafelsenf  (Wasser, Senfsaaten, Speisesalz, Gewürze, Zucker), Knoblauch, Dextrose, Gewürezextrakte (Pfeffer, Ingwer), Stabilisator: Diphosphate, Antioxidationsmittel: Ascorbinsäure, Naturdarm, Buchenholzrauch.

Kann Spuren von Gluten, Laktose, Sellerie, Soja und Sesam enthalten.